Zhao-Liang CHEN

陈赵亮, Ph.D., Postdoc, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University



I am currently a Postdoc at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, working with Prof. Hong-Ning Dai and Prof. William Kwok-Wai Cheung. I received my Ph.D. degree from the College of Computer and Data Science, Fuzhou University, in 2024, supervised by Prof. Wenzhong Guo and Prof. Shiping Wang. Before that, I majored in software engineering and obtained my B.E. degree from the College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, in 2019. From Oct 2022 to Oct 2023, I was also a visiting scholar in Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna, Austria, supervised by Prof. Claudia Plant. My research interests include graph neural networks, optimization-inspired deep learning and their applications. My studies have led to over 20 scientific publications on top-tier conferences and journals, including AAAI, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TMM, IEEE TSP, ACM TKDD, Information Fusion, Neural Networks, etc.

Curriculum Vitae (English) (updated at 11.06.2024).

My research interests: Graph neural networks, Multimodal learning, Optimization-inspired deep learning, Semi-supervised learning, Low-rank optimization.


Jul 16, 2024 One paper has been accepted by ACM MM 2024 (CCF-A)! Congrats to Jielong Lu! :sparkles:
May 22, 2024 I have successfully passed my doctoral thesis defense! :sparkles:
Mar 3, 2024 One paper has been accepted by Neural Networks (SCI Q1)! :sparkles:
Feb 28, 2024 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (SCI Q1)! Congrats to JieLong Lu! :sparkles:
Feb 21, 2024 One paper has been accepted by Pattern Recognition (SCI Q1)! Congrats to Zhihao Wu! :sparkles:
Dec 16, 2023 One paper has been accepted by Information Sciences (SCI Q1)! Congrats to Luying Zhong! :sparkles:
Sep 29, 2023 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (SCI Q1, CCF-B)! :sparkles:
Sep 3, 2023 One paper has been accepted by Neural Networks (SCI Q1, CCF B)! :sparkles:
Jul 6, 2023 One paper has been accepted by ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD, SCI Q1, CCF B)! :sparkles:
Apr 22, 2023 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IF = 14.255)! :sparkles:
Mar 6, 2023 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IF = 8.182)! :sparkles:
Feb 24, 2023 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IF = 4.875)! :sparkles:
Feb 10, 2023 One paper has been accepted by Information Fusion (IF = 17.564)! :sparkles:
Feb 6, 2023 One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IF = 8.182)! :sparkles:
Nov 19, 2022 One paper has been accepted by AAAI (acceptance rate = 19.6%)! :sparkles:


  • 2021 - 2024
    College of Computer and Data Science, Fuzhou University, China
    • Master-doctor combined program without a master degree
    • Supervised by Prof. Wenzhong Guo and Prof. Shiping Wang
  • 2022 - 2023
    Visiting Scholar
    Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna, Austria.
    • Funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC)
    • Supervised by Prof. Claudia Plant
  • 2015 - 2019
    College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, China
    • Supervised by Prof. Fei Chen

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • National Scholarship for Postgraduates
  • 2019 - 2021
    • The Grand Prize Scholarship for Postgraduates of Fuzhou University
  • 2017 - 2019
    • The First Prize Scholarship for Undergraduate Students of Fuzhou University

Academic Service

  • Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP)
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE TNNLS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM)
    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE TITS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems (IEEE TSMC)
    • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IEEE TSP)
    • IEEE Signal Processing Letters
    • Neural Processing Letters
    • Artificial Intelligence Review
    • Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)
    • The Journal of Supercomputing
  • PC member:
    • ACM MM 2024
    • ECCV 2024
    • NeurIPS 2024

Selected Publications [Full List]

  1. Attributed Multi-order Graph Convolutional Network for Heterogeneous Graphs
    Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Luying Zhong, Claudia Plant, Shiping Wang, and Wenzhong Guo
    Neural Networks 2024
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 7.8
  2. AGNN: Alternating Graph-Regularized Neural Networks to Alleviate Over-Smoothing
    Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Zhenghong Lin, Shiping Wang, Claudia Plant, and Wenzhong Guo
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 14.255
  3. Dual Low-Rank Graph Autoencoder for Semantic and Topological Networks
    Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Shiping Wang, and Wenzhong Guo
    In Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023
    CCF Rank A, Acceptance rate: 19.6%
  4. Learnable Graph Convolutional Network and Feature Fusion for Multi-view Learning
    Zhaoliang Chen, Lele Fu, Jie Yao, Wenzhong Guo, Claudia Plant, and Shiping Wang
    Information Fusion 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 17.564
  5. Multi-view Graph Convolutional Networks with Differentiable Node Selection
    Zhaoliang Chen, Lele Fu, Shunxin Xiao, Shiping Wang, Claudia Plant, and Wenzhong Guo
    ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B
  6. Efficient and Differentiable Low-rank Matrix Completion with Back Propagation
    Zhaoliang Chen, Jie Yao, Guobao Xiao, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 8.182
  7. Learning Deep Sparse Regularizers With Applications to Multi-View Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
    Shiping Wang, Zhaoliang Chen, Shide Du, and Zhouchen Lin
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2022
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank A, IF: 24.314
  8. A review on matrix completion for recommender systems
    Zhaoliang Chen, and Shiping Wang
    Knowledge and Information Systems 2022
    SCI Q3, CCF Rank B, IF: 2.531
  9. Kernel meets recommender systems: A multi-kernel interpolation for matrix completion
    Zhaoliang Chen, Wei Zhao, and Shiping Wang
    Expert Systems with Applications 2021
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 8.665
  10. Towards Multi-view Consistent Graph Diffusion
    Jielong Lu, Zhihao Wu, Zhaoliang Chen, Zhiling Cai, and Shiping Wang
    In ACM Multimedia 2024
    CCF Rank A, Oral (3.97%)
  11. Generative Essential Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-view Semi-supervised Classification
    Jielong Lu, Zhihao Wu, Luying Zhong, Zhaoliang Chen, Hong Zhao, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2024
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 7.3
  12. Graph Convolutional Network with Elastic Topology
    Zhihao Wu, Zhaoliang Chen, Shide Du, Sujia Huang, and Shiping Wang
    Pattern Recognition 2024
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 8
  13. Learnable Graph Convolutional Network With Semisupervised Graph Information Bottleneck
    Luying Zhong, Zhaoliang Chen, Zhihao Wu, Shide Du, Zheyi Chen, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 14.255
  14. Interpretable Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Learning
    Zhihao Wu, Xincan Lin, Zhenghong Lin, Zhaoliang Chen, Yang Bai, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 8.182
  15. Contrastive Graph Convolutional Networks with Generative Adjacency Matrix
    Luying Zhong, Jinbin Yang, Zhaoliang Chen, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2023
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 4.875
  16. Unified Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Spectral Embedding for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
    Lele Fu, Zhaoliang Chen, Yongyong Chen, and Shiping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2022
    SCI Q1, CCF Rank B, IF: 8.182